Our dogs are our colleagues, our best friends and our family! We are always very sad to see them leave, one way or another.
In some cases we find a nice retirement home for our (older) dogs, but only if we feel they would really love being a family dog.
Otherwise they can enjoy their retirement here in the kennel as yard dogs and will stay with us until they pass away from old age.
The following dogs have been adopted or passed away. We will always remember them!

R.I.P. 2024
At only 4 months old we had to let Thor go, the rock he ate was too big for a safe surgery. He was the calmest and most sensitive pup of litter and we would have loved to spend more time with this special little man.

R.I.P. 2024
Rambo was a goofball, always looking for ways to be extra silly. Next to that he was a hard worker and he loved cuddles. Cancer got the best of him, but we are so glad for all the laughs we had about Rambo!

Adopted 2023
Yla is a great mother and grandmother to some of our dogs. Lotte fell in love with her when they first met in 2020 and could finally adopt her 2.5 years later. They both live next door so Yla gets to visit us from time to time.

Moved 2022
Pumbaa, a big mouth but super cuddly. He was on of the first dogs in the pack and was Erik’s favourite. So when he moved back to the Netherlands, Pumbaa followed him on his next adventure.

Adopted 2022
Joy grew up as a very sweet dog, extremely attached to human. She didn’t like to be in a big pack though. Joy now lives with another family and enjoys to get all the attention as a single dog.

R.I.P. 2022
Human were Tyson’s best friend and he was a great dog having loose on hiking trips. He really enjoyed his retirement being in the yard or in the house all the time. We miss you grumpy boy!

Adopted 2022
Penny never moves far away from her sister’s (Paula) side, she has always been the careful one around other dogs and people. That is why she needed to follow her sister to a great adoption home!

Adopted 2022
Paula was our smallest dog, but her leading capabilities were unmatched. She just kept going, no matter the conditions! Now she enjoys a great retirement on the sofa and on long forest walks together with her sister.

Amarok loves cuddles and sleeping on the sofa. He also likes to run, but it was never his passion to go for long distances. So when the new owners of Latifah looked for a running and play buddy for her, Amarok was the perfect match!

R.I.P. 2021
Frost was a goofy dog who loved cuddles, chasing puppies and sexy ladies. He could be very stubborn and ‘tough’, but once he was in a harness Frost changed into a routined worker, calm and always ready to go! We will miss you silly man!

R.I.P. 2020
Jenga was the biggest and shy one from the games-litter and she loved coming inside for cuddles. Unfortunately she had many extreme seizure attacks. The vet and us could only do our best, but the last ones became fatal for this cute girl.

Because of her skin problems Latifah lived most of the time in the house and we couldn’t take her on the longer camping-trips. Now she continues to enjoy sofa-life and daily hiking or skiing adventures with a nice active couple and their hunting dog.

R.I.P. 2020
French has always been a personality that stood out in a positive way. He was very easy-going in the pack, a great example for our younger dogs, a hard worker and a huge fan of cuddling! We miss you big guy, run forever wild and free!

R.I.P. 2019
Lupin, the biggest of our first litter who found a place in our heart very quickly. Unfortunately we never got to celebrate his first birthday. We would have loved to see this chilled guy grow old, instead of losing him because of a stone in his belly!

New people, dogs or places: it’s all a lot of fun for this girl! But Bella’s intestines couldn’t digest fatty food, which is not very practical for a sleddog. This is why she was adopted and lives a happy and active life close to the Swedish mountains.